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Use a payment gateway to collect online payments without a website

Get Paid Online For Yoga Instructor for Home Lessons Services!

There are very few payment gateway / processor options for lone entrepreneurs, micro businesses, and unregistered business to collect payments online.

So how do you as a Yoga Instructor for Home Lessons service provider to use an online payment gateway to collect your service fee?

Our payMyPage (pMP) service helps you as a Yoga Instructor for Home Lessons service provider to collect online payments such as card payments or various types of bank payments from anywhere. We make it as simple as sending a link and getting paid!

Use our special pMP links in your website, email, social media & blog posts, and even online chats using WhatsApp or facebook's Messenger.

The pMP link is a payment link that opens a payment page with info about your Yoga Instructor for Home Lessons service and payment options as per the payment gateways you enable.

The payment page opens correctly within any PC or mobile web browser.

Using a pMP link you can add one of our carefully selected* supported payment gateway to a website or facebook page just as a regular link. You can further use the pMP links in Chat / Email / Social Media posts too.

*We only support payment gateways that are friendly to individuals and micro businesses, easy to signup, and have no setup & maintenance fees.

Steps to use a payment gateway to collect online payments

Once you create the pMP payment page link(s), you can send out the links via email or chat, or post it online, and even use it on social media.

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